Bootstrap Toasts
A nice toast with a message
You can also trigger it with JS:
new bootstrap.Toast(document.getElementById('toast-example-1')).show();
You can also trigger it with JS:
new bootstrap.Toast(document.getElementById('toast-example-2')).show();
Bootstrap Notify
A notification with an informational message
You can also trigger it with JS:
Dashmix.helpers('jq-notify', {type: 'info', icon: 'fa fa-info-circle me-1', message: 'Your message!'});
A notification with a success message
You can also trigger it with JS:
Dashmix.helpers('jq-notify', {type: 'success', icon: 'fa fa-check me-1', message: 'Your message!'});
A notification with a warning message
You can also trigger it with JS:
Dashmix.helpers('jq-notify', {type: 'warning', icon: 'fa fa-exclamation me-1', message: 'Your message!'});
A notification with an error message
You can also trigger it with JS:
Dashmix.helpers('jq-notify', {type: 'danger', icon: 'fa fa-times me-1', message: 'Your message!'});
You can show your notification in multiple screen positions
You can also trigger it with JS:
Dashmix.helpers('jq-notify', {message: 'Your message!'});
You can also trigger it with JS:
Dashmix.helpers('jq-notify', {align: 'center', message: 'Your message!'});
You can also trigger it with JS:
Dashmix.helpers('jq-notify', {align: 'left', message: 'Your message!'});
You can also trigger it with JS:
Dashmix.helpers('jq-notify', {from: 'bottom', message: 'Your message!'});
You can also trigger it with JS:
Dashmix.helpers('jq-notify', {from: 'bottom', align: 'center', message: 'Your message!'});
You can also trigger it with JS:
Dashmix.helpers('jq-notify', {from: 'bottom', align: 'left', message: 'Your message!'});