All template settings can be found in the "System Setting", section "themeclubcube".
Setting up the main page
These 5 parameters corresponding for setting up the main page:
- style_events_promo_slider
- style_index_blog_list
- style_index_events_list
- style_events_time_format
- style_index_gallery_list
Slider has two states: a large (stretched to full screen) and fixed size. Changing this setting, you can select your desired option.
Blog entries are 2 types of design: tiles without images and large previews (full width of the tile).
Events can be designed in 2 different styles: tiles with a picture in the background and in the form of tickets.
This setting affects the style of the time for the event, it can be in the format of am/pm or 24 hours.
Setting the gallery output. The gallery can be displayed as a list of small tiles on a colored background, or as a slider with large thumbs.
Google Analytics settings
To activate the google analytics need to register your Tracking ID to set up "ga_tracking_id".
Color sheme setting
Setting "color_scheme". Options: yellow, turbo, max-hurricane, mint